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23-26 June 2024


Sunday – June 23rd, 2024


14:00 – 14:15 – Opening speech

Luis M. Arciniega – ISSWOV President – ITAM Mexico

Edna Rabenu – On behalf of the conference organizers committee - Tel-Hai College

Horia Moasa – Scientific Committee Chair – Transilvania University of Brasov


14:15 – 14:35 – Official welcome

Eliezer Shalev– President ,Tel-Hai College

Meirav Hen– Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Hub, Tel-Hai College.


14:40 – 15:40 - Workforce behavior and the meaning of work (part 1)

ID 100 - Leading a Post-Pandemic Workforce: Understanding Employees’ Changing Work Ethic

Authors: Arciniega, Luis M; Woehr, David J; González, Luis

ID 104 - Utilizing Nonsymmetric Correspondence Analysis to Predict Psychological Capital via Organizational Support, Sense of Power, and Self-Control

Authors: Kim, Se-Kang; Chernyak-Hai, Lily

ID 135 - Phronesis Lost: What This Field Needs is a Really Good 5-cent Research Method

Author: Eden, Dov

ID 180 - Ability-based groups and group performance in remote work

Author: Menon, Sanjay T.


15:40 – 15:50 - Break


15:50 – 17:00 - Workforce behavior and the meaning of work (part 2)

ID 136 - The Impact of War on Organizational Behavior: A Case Study of Detainee Ill-Treatment During ‘Operation Iron Swords’

Authors: Weishut, Daniel J.N; Aitchison, Lucy R.; Mukamel, Maya; Lavi, Tamar; Steiner-Birmanns, Bettina

ID 153 - Green Human Resource Practices and Organisational Commitment: The role of the meaning of work

Authors: Gomes, Jorge F.S.; Machado, Beatriz N.M.O.; Sabino, Ana M.F.P.

ID 159 - Changes in the Meaning of Work Among Estonian Employees

Authors: Randmann, Liina; Kamdron, Tiiu

ID 173 - The sedentary pandemic during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a theoretical and practical organizational perspective

Authors: Rabenu, Edna; Shkoler, Or; Shertzer, Yonatan; Radosher, Avital; Peretz, Hilla

ID 126 - Employee Engagement and Work Centrality in Times of Crisis

Authors: Sharabi, Moshe; Shlomi, Adiel; Sharabi, Shani


17:00 – 17:10 - Break


17:10 – 18:20 -  Poster Session

ID 144 - The Importance of a Supportive Organizational Culture for Decreasing Burnout in Early Childhood Teachers
Authors: Raviv, Anat; Shwartz-Asher, Daphna
ID 148 - Are software developers afraid of artificial influence technologies?
Authors: Rei, Maarit; Parts, Velli
ID 150 - Can We Talk for a Moment? The Impact of Feedback Publicity on Evaluator's Mood Through the Positivity of the Feedback
Authors: Haviv Witman, Rachel; Reizer, Abira
ID 151 - Exploring the Influence of Work Overload on the Relationship between Job Embeddedness and Well-being  
Authors: Ben Meir, Lilach; Koslwosky, Meni
ID 162 - The Influences of Crisis Events on Staff Members in Academia  
Authors: Giladi, Ariela; Ben-Meir, Lilach; Davidovitch, Nitza


Monday, June 24th, 2024


14:00 – 15:00 – Keynote Speech + Q&A

Mental Capital and Wellbeing at Work: Identifying and Enhancing Mental Wellbeing at Work

Professor Sir Cary Cooper, CBE


15:00 – 15:10 – Break


15:10 – 16:10 - Navigating values, challenges and adaptations amidst organizational and societal shifts (Part 1)

ID 107 - The Role of Perceived Self-Transcendence Values in Forming Functional Relationships with Professionals 

Authors: Oppenheim-Weller, Shani; Amit, Adi

ID 117 - When a psychosocial factor becomes a risk factor?

Authors: Egozi, Laliv; Pardo, Asher

ID 127 - Non-Financial Employment Commitment in Israel: The Effect of Religion and Gender

Authors: Sharabi, Moshe; Shdema, Ilan; Abboud-Armaly, Oriana; Yanay-Ventura, Galit

ID 130 - From Covid to the 7th of October – Values under attack

Authors: Segal, Amir; Ravid, Gadi


16:10 – 16:20 – Break


16:20 – 17:00 - Navigating values, challenges and adaptations amidst organizational and societal shifts (Part 2)

ID 155 - Perceived responsibility among managers in Work organizations vs. managers in NGOs

Author: Bar-Haim, Aviad

ID 149 - Victims or Saviors? Toward Validation of Value-Triggered Bystanders' Response Model to Mistreatment

Authors: Itzkovich, Yariv; Barhon, Ella; Lev-Wiesel, Rachel


17:00 – 17:10 – Break


17:10 – 18:10 - Work-life balance, well-being and novel work arrangements (Part 1)

ID 124 - Heritage tourist experience as a means for reducing employees' Burnout – The case study of "Witnesses in Uniforms"

Authors: Applboim, Tali; Poria, Yaniv; Raz, Aviad; Shertzer, Yonatan; Rabenu, Edna

ID 141 - Employees’ experiences of hybrid work models as an HR practice and their views on agile ways of working

Authors: Hanzis, Anastasia; Hallo, Leonie

ID 142 - Building Team Resilience in project teams to drive performance in hybrid work environments

Authors: Hanzis, Anastasia; Krassadaki, Evangelia; Hallo, Leonie; Triantafillou, Angeliki

ID 172 - Crossover effects of parent work-family balance on family interpersonal relationship. A triadic sample (mother-father and child)

Authors: Reizer, Abira; Blumenfeld, Yonit; Westman, Mina


Tuesday, June 25th, 2024


14:00 – 15:00 – Work-life balance, well-being and novel work arrangements (Part 2)

ID 143 - Workforce Attitudes towards the Freelancer's Phenomenon

Authors: Shwartz-Asher, Daphna; Tziner, Aharon; Shertzer, Yonatan; Rabenu, Edna; Kurlander, Yahel; Tobol, Yossef; Ehrlich, Sari

ID 147 - A Structure for the Values of those Working for Social and Environmental Organisations: An Inceptive Declarative Mapping Approach

Authors: Gordley-Smith, Ava; Hackett, Paul M W


15:00 – 15:10 – Break


15:10 – 16:00 - Work-life balance, well-being and novel work arrangements (Part 3)

ID 169 - The Role of Creative Organizational Culture on Wellbeing and Performance: Moderated Mediation Model

Authors: Reizer, Abira; Galperin, Bella; Tourigny, Louise

ID 171 - Israeli Haredim at Work and at Home

Authors: Kay, Avi; Brender-Ilan, Yael

ID 115 - When happiness is the quietness of working from home: Findings from home-based workers

Authors: Shamir Balderman, Orit; Tzafrir, Shay; Enosh, Guy; Altman, Yochanan


16:00 – 16:10 – Break


16:10 – 17:10 - Education, training, and leadership in crisis (Part 1)

ID 175 - Education for Shared Living Amidst Conflict: Perspectives, Challenges, and Perceptions within Educational Organizations

Authors: Fisher Shalem, Orit; Shapira, Noa

ID 152 - Integrating SEL as part of preschool teachers’ personal values and professional ethos

Authors: Dolev, Niva; Hen, Meirav

ID 888 - Repercussions of incivility and hostile expressions in academia: A legal perspective

Authors: Sharona Aharoni-Goldenberg, Aharon Tziner, and Dana Barnett


17:10 – 17:20 – Break


17:20 – 18:30 - Education, training, and leadership in crisis (Part 2)

ID 177 - School as a complex organization: Emotions and professional identity

Author: Weil-Gottshalk, Revital

ID 178 - Examining Reverse-Mentoring in Business School

Authors: Haber, Julita; Fish, Hamilton; Town, Sophia; Kimberley LaMarque

ID 181 - Enhancing Workforce Qualifications: Leveraging Values and Knowledge Education through Concept Mapping in Organizations

Authors: Naamati-Schneider, Lior; Alt, Dorit


Wednesday, June 26th, 2024


14:00 – 15:00 - Diversity, equity, and inclusion (Part 1)

ID 106 - Minorities and Social Media Influencers: The Case of Israeli Haredim

Authors: Oholiav, Benjamin; Liebermann, Yehoshua; Levy, Shalom

ID 108 - How can leaders buffer the effects of professional stereotypes on interprofessional team’s quality of care?

Authors: Sheffer-Hilel, Galia; Drach-Zahavy, Anat

ID 109 - Exploring the Great Resignation: Gendered Patterns among Professional Women in Israel during COVID-19 Pandemic – An Intersectional Approach

Author: Givaty, Efrat

ID 111 - Inadequate representation: The minority voices

Authors: Shwartz-Asher, Daphna


15:00 – 15:10 – Break


15:10 – 16:20 - Diversity, equity, and inclusion (Part 2)

ID 125 - Workforce Diversity in the Israeli healthcare system: Insights from the war in Gaza

Authors: Popper-Giveon, Ariela; Keshet, Yael

ID 157 - Gen Z at Work

Author: Moasa, Horia

ID 133 - The power of technology affordance and its contribution to knowledge sharing and creativity in different affordance conditions

Authors: Tabatchnik, Itzhak; Reychav, Iris; Weisberg, Jacob

ID 116 - Does sexual orientation diversity presentation in social media affect organizational attractiveness among LGB and heterosexual job seekers?

Authors: Oren, Lior; Raijman, Noi


16:20 – 16:30 – ISSWOV official vote


16:30 – 16:40 – Break


16:40 – 17:40 - Healthcare and pandemic response

ID 134 - Developing Qualitative Management Standards at Shamir-Assaf Harofeh Medical Center

Authors: Kremer-Asaf, Michal; Danino, Efrat

ID 158 - Relationship between nurses' calling and job engagement and, employee experience

Authors: Randmann, Liina; Kamdron, Tiiu; Leoke, Siret

ID 161 - The Impact of Mandatory Mask-Wearing on Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Individuals during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Israel

Authors: Tannenbaum-Baruchi, Carolina; Feder-Bubis, Paula; Aharonson-Daniel, Limor

ID 167 - Patient trust in health information sources and media outlets regarding novel health care treatments and technologies

Authors: Gur, Amit; Avidar, Ruth

ID 174 - Work Overload, Work-Family Conflict, and the Professional Commitment of Public Sector Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Kingdom of Eswatini

Authors: Bagraim, Jeffrey; Nkambule, Ntombikayise


17:40 – 17:50 – Break


17:50 – 18:40 - Cultural and cross-cultural influences on work values

ID 113 - The Impact of Cultural Tightness-Looseness on Organizational Outcomes Associated with Workplace Flexibility across 22 Countries

Authors: Peretz, Hilla; Berkery, Elaine; Morley, Michael; Tiernan, Siobhán

ID 114 - Fostering Team Innovation in a Cross-cultural Context: The Role of Inclusive Leadership

Authors: Peretz, Hilla; Horak, Sven; Park, Jong Gyu; Worm, Verner D.; Jakobsen, Michael

ID 121 - Cross-cultural adaptation of organizational change tools: Experiences from SHEMESH questionnaire translation and validation

Authors: Shalev, Ligat; Helfrich, Christian D.; Ellen, Moriah; Avirame, Keren; Etian, Renana; Rose, Adam J.

ID 122 - Are you listening to me? The effect of employees perception of supervisors’ virtual listening on high tech employees turnover behaviour during the COVID-9 pandemic in Israel

Author: Kessler Ladelsky, Limor


18:40 – 19:00 Nir Becker, Vice President for Academic Affairs , Tel-Hai College– Farewell Speech

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